AfDB Minimum Subsidy Tender Application

AfDB Minimum Subsidy Tender Application

Please consult the Odyssey Platform Help Guides as well as the FAQs to troubleshoot any issues, or reach out to the Odyssey support team via the support chat box in the bottom right corner of the application.

1. Review program information

  • Select the Finance > Programs tab from the left navigation bar

  • Select AfDB NEP Minimum Subsidy Tender  from the programs list

  • Click the Resources section

  • View and download the program documents

  1. Select the documents or folders you would like to download
  2. Click the Download button
  3. Read all program documents thoroughly before submitting your application to ensure that you understand all the requirements.
  4. You can also communicate with the Program Administrator (REA) via the Messages section.

2. Upload Proof of Payments

Applicants must submit their Remita invoice as proof of payment to the program administrators. 
  1. Select the Application tab
  2. Upload your receipt  in the Form section
  3. Submit your program application
  4. If your application is successful, the status of the application will change from “Submitted” to “Selected” in your Programs list. 
  5. The RFP document for MST is exclusively accessible to participants whose payment has been verified. You will find the document attached to the Payment Approval email.
  6. You can also communicate with the Program Administrator via the Messages section.
    To do this Navigate to Finance > Programs > AfDB NEP Minimum Subsidy Tender > Messages.

3. Copy Tendered Portfolio

  1. Navigate to the Tendered Portfolio section
  2. Select the Lot(s)/State(s) you would like to copy to your own Projects workspace
  3. Click the Copy  Selected Portfolios button. This will start the process of copying the selected projects into your own Projects list where you'll be able to view additional information and complete your proposal.
  4. View the copied projects in your My Projects list. The projects will have the title of the program (AfDB NEP Minimum Subsidy Tender) after the project name
  5. Navigate into any of the project sites that belong to the program to complete the required data modules.

4. Fill out all project-specific information

Complete the project data modules

Complete the technical analysis and application within each project. Please read an overview of each project module as well as the AfDB NEP MST program requirements for completing each module below. Detailed instructions for how to use each module can be followed in the Odyssey pre-development user guides.

  1. Overview
    Access any of the project’s data modules and user guides in the Pre-Development section of the Overview module.  

  2. Information
  1. The Information module of the project contains the site information that was provided when creating the project. 
  1. If you have any files relevant to the specific site you can upload them in the Project Files section by Navigating to Information > Project Files > Upload Files.
  1. Project Application
    In the Project Application module, you will fill out the Form Tech - 1 with information specific to the provided project site
  1. Load
    In the Load module, you have been provided information on the number and type of customers as well as the projected load profile.
    Learn more about creating a load assessment.
NEP MST Requirement:
  1. Please note that load profiles should not be lower than the benchmarked capacities. It is acceptable to modify them to higher values, but not lower.

    If you click on the load tab of a community in Odyssey, you will notice that the number of connections (residential and commercial customers), average daily load (kWh/day), peak power (kW), etc., are indicated as minimum values. You can only add more customers or loads, but you cannot make adjustments to the existing values.

  2. Bids with lower load profiles will be considered non-responsive

  • Generation Design

    Odyssey is integrated with HOMER Energy to enable rapid system design based on your load assessment. 

  1. HOMER can be used to either optimize the sizing of each component or to validate that your pre-specified system capacities will meet the load specified. Learn more about designing your generation system.
  2. Select one of the system design configurations provided. The design with an asterisk next to its name is the suggested system design configuration for that site. 
  3. Note: when you finish modeling your site, you MUST select which design is the active design so the REA team knows which design to evaluate.
  4. Run HOMER to model the system.

REA Requirement:
  1. You are not required to use the system design configuration recommendation, but the justification for alternative choices must be made
    in the Demand and Load Projections tab in Form TECH - 1 which is located in the Project Application tab.
    See more information on the system design configurations in the AfDB NEP MST RFP document (available to download in the Odyssey Program > Documents section).
  2. Your HOMER results must demonstrate that your system will meet the minimum renewables fraction requirement of 70%, with 98% load availability.
  3. The HOMER simulation in Odyssey must show a battery lifetime of minimum 10 years. Confirm this by downloading the Homer Design file,
    learn more about this here how to download the Homer Design File?
  4. The HOMER simulation in Odyssey must show a capacity shortage of less than 3% of the total annual electricity demand [kWh].
  5.  To check the Capacity shortage, kindly follow the steps below for instructions on how to find the inputs for the formula below .
  6. Capacity Shortage % = Annual Capacity Shortage / Annual Electric Consumption

Distribution Design

  1. Input capital expenditures related to the distribution network and customer connections. Learn more about inputting distribution design costs.

General Costs

  1. Input general costs related to site development and operating expenses. Learn more about tracking general costs.


  1. The Revenues module calculates your revenues based on your defined tariff structure and forecasted load profile. Learn more about entering your tariff structure.
NEP MST Requirements:
  1. Tariffs must be inputed in Naira
  2. The proposed average "effective tariff" for each site shall be no more than 200 NGN/kWh.
  3. You can view the effective tariff (in NGN/kWh) for your site in the Summary module of your project.


  1. In the Financials module, you will enter project-level sensitivities and account for ramping/growth rates for your load assessment. 
  1. The financial module uses all of the information you entered about your project to calculate key financial metrics. Learn more about calculating project financials. 

NEP MST Requirements
  1. Your system should be designed to meet the load modeled in the Load section, which is your expected baseload (usually the load you expect by Year 2 of operations)
  2. Make sure the expected life span of your project is 25 years.


The Summary module of the project offers a concise view of your project’s key information.

5. Submit your Portfolio

Review your portfolio

  • Navigate to the Finance > Portfolios section of your account

  • Complete the portfolios for the lots copied into your project space

Complete your portfolio

Complete the Business Plan section of the portfolio. 
  1. Upload the required documents in the portfolio Data Room
  2. Use the document checklist to check the required documents. Check off the checkboxes next to the required documents to ensure you are uploading all necessary documentation.
    Learn more about the portfolio Data Room.

Submit your portfolio

  • Navigate to the Portfolio Submission 

  • Click on Submit Proposal to submit to REA

  • Once you have submitted your proposal, the portfolio, and projects will be locked for editing.

  • To unlock your proposal for editing before the submission deadline, click on Withdraw Proposal

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