FAQ: I am having trouble logging into the Analytics dashboard
If you face any login issues when accesing the Analytics dashboard, please try the following options. 1. Clear cache and hard reload To clear the cache and perform a hard reload for only the currently opened website's data, you can use the following ...
FAQ: How do I download the Homer Design File?
After you have run Homer, follow these steps to download the HOMER results file: Click on View Results Click on the icon to Download the result you want to view In the zip folder that was downloaded to your computer, open the PDF file to view the ...
FAQ: What are my options for modeling an interconnected mini-grid in Odyssey?
To model your interconnected mini-grid in Odyssey you have three options depending on your agreement with the DisCo region and desired plan: Modeling a mini-grid that consumes from and optionally exports electricity to an unreliable grid Modeling an ...
How do I model a Combined Component/Existing Generator in the Generation Design section of Odyssey?
Are you using an existing generator at a project site? 1. Drag the Generator component into Generation Design section Drag the Generator component from your design schematic to the lower Generation Design section where you will model your system. 2. ...
FAQ: How do I use the Odyssey Financial Model?
Odyssey compiles your project inputs including load demand, generation capacity, project capex, and revenues for both project sites and project portfolios. Excel Financial Model The Financial section of Odyssey includes an Excel financial model. ...
FAQ: How do I hard refresh my browser to make sure I have the latest Odyssey code?
When we release new code, it may be necessary to "hard fresh" your browser to make sure you are clearing out the old and making room for the new (code)! On a Mac: When you are on an Odyssey page: Chrome and Firefox: Command + Shift + R On a PC: When ...
How do I log into Odyssey?
1. Navigate to Odyssey in Google Chrome You can navigate to the Odyssey Login Portal to decide which portal of Odyssey you would like to login to. If you're participating in a program that is being hosted by Odyssey, choose your program. 2. Reset ...
FAQ: How do I change the language of Odyssey?
Odyssey is available for use in English, French, and Portuguese. The language should update to match your computer's language settings. If you would like to change the language you're viewing Odyssey in, you may change the language on the login page.
FAQ: How can I apply tariffs to many customer types in multiple projects at once?
There are two ways to apply the same tariff schedule to multiple customer types. If you would like to do this across multiple projects, use the Bulk Edit feature on the Projects page. If you would like to do this from within a specific project, use ...
FAQ: What do I enter for generator O&M?
When optimizing a generator in a generation design using HOMER, you will be required to fill out the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cost. Since HOMER optimizes the generation component sizes based on the unit costs associated with each component, ...
FAQ: How do I enter in total load for a customer type?
When creating a load profile from in the Load tab of a project, all loads are entered in as Customer Types. The load profile entered for each customer type is a representative or average load profile for all customers of that customer type. For ...
FAQ: Why is my generation component shown as "Not Included"?
When optimizing a generation design using HOMER, sometimes the size of component in the generation design shows up as "Not Included." This means that HOMER has determined the optimal, lowest cost system (given your load, location and cost parameters) ...
FAQ: How do I model my generation design with HOMER?
Any generation design in Odyssey can be modeled using HOMER, an optimization algorithm that will determine the least-cost generation system sizing for your project. HOMER uses the site location, load information, system constraints and unit costs of ...
FAQ: I have a bad internet connection, how do I prevent data loss?
Low-bandwidth environments Odyssey is built for low-bandwidth environments, as we know many of our users are operating without high speed internet connections. The software auto-saves your responses, and reminds you to save your work when you ...