Bidding Instructions

Bidding Instructions

1. Review program information

  1. Click on Programs in the Navigation panel on the left side of the Home page
  2. Click into REA NEP COVID-19 Intervention Program 
  3. Download and read all files in the Resources section

2. Copy the Project costing templates

  1. In the REA NEP COVID-19 Intervention Program, click the Tendered Projects section.
  2. You will see a 50kW project template for each of the Lots in the tender.
  3. You can copy the project templates for the Lots you would like to bid on by selecting the check box next to the Project Name and clicking the Copy tendered projects button.
    1. You will receive an email with the subject "Odyssey Project Copy Results" notifying you when the projects have been successfully copied into your My Projects list

3. Complete costing information

  1. Navigate to the My Projects section and click a REA NEP COVID-19 Intervention Program project template to complete
  2. For each system, fill out all fields in the Generation Design and Costs modules of the project. Do not add fields.
    1. In the Generation Design module, select the AC-Coupled Design or DC-Coupled Design system in the generation design list. Only complete the details for the configuration you are submitting.
    2. In the Generation Design module, you must click into each field and fill out information on make, model, and costing for all relevant components for the system. Within the generation design, capacities for each component have been specified. You may update the component sizes based on the make and model that you plan to use in your design, however the capacity must be at minimum the size specified in the template.
      1. It is required that your Storage Type is Lithium Ion.
      2. When entering your component costs in the Generation Design module, please make sure to enter your total "Installation and Commissioning" cost for the system within the "Balance of Systems and Fixed Costs" section.
      3. Check the Replacement Needed checkbox, and then specify the lifetime based on the manufacturer spec sheet, replacement cost should be completed too.
      4. Once you have completed your design, select Set to Active Design on the design configuration you are submitting (either the AC-Coupled Design or DC-Coupled Design)
    3. In the Costs module of the project, complete your costing information for each line item provided in the template.
      1. Only update the unit cost for each line item, do not update the quantity.

3. Build Your Portfolio

  1. When you have completed filling out your data for a Lot's project template, select the project from the My Projects list and select the Create a Portfolio button at the top of the list. Read more on creating a portfolio here.
  2. Your portfolio name should be the lot name.
  3. You must complete and submit one portfolio for each Lot (do not add multiple projects to a portfolio),

4. Complete your bid

  1. Navigate to the Portfolios section ( under the Finance tab), and click into your portfolio. 
  2. Fill out all questions in the Business Plan module. You cannot submit without answering each question.
  3. Upload all documents in the Data Room module; make sure to check off documents from the Document Checklist as they are uploaded.
  4. When you have finished all sections of the portfolio, you are ready to submit! Submit your portfolio from the Portfolio Submission module. The Submit button will de-activate after the submission deadline.
  5. Once you have submitted your proposal, view the Status of your submission under the Status header on the Portfolios page. The Nigerian Rural Electrification Agency - NEP will update your submission status. You will receive an email notice for each status update.

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