Complete your site information

Complete your site information

Upload files within a project and edit the information you provided when creating a project in the Information section.

Upload Project Files

  • Select the 'Files' tab in the top bar menu
  • Use this section to upload your documents by clicking on the + icon
  • These files can include pictures of your site, preliminary studies, and any other site information you would like to include.
  • Learn more about file management.

  • Make any edits to the Project Overview

    1. Navigate back to the Overview page
    2. Make any edits to what you entered when creating your project.
      1. You can update your project's Commercial Operation Date (COD) and your project's Status as you move along in the development process. 
    3. Choose a Program 
      1. If you are participating in a program in Odyssey, select the program from the dropdown list. You will not be able to complete your proposal if the project is not registered with the program. 
      2. If you are participating in a program, make sure you read the program-specific participation guides.

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