How do I model a Combined Component/Existing Generator in the Generation Design section of Odyssey?

How do I model a Combined Component/Existing Generator in the Generation Design section of Odyssey?

Are you using an existing generator at a project site?

1. Drag the Generator component into Generation Design section

Drag the Generator component from your design schematic to the lower Generation Design section where you will model your system. 
Screen Recording 2021-08-31 at PM

2. Disable Optimize Sizing

Disable Optimize Sizing on the Generator component. This will allow you to enter the Generator Capacity of the existing generator. 
Screen Recording 2021-08-31 at PM

3. Complete the component details

Complete the details for the generator. For the following fields, enter the following information: 


Enter the size of the existing generator. 


Include the make of the existing generator. Include the phrase "(EXISTING AT SITE)" to indicate that the generator isn't being purchased. 


Include the model of the existing generator. Include the phrase "(EXISTING AT SITE)" to indicate that the generator isn't being purchased. 

Total Scaling Cost

Enter the price paid for the existing generator. If the existing generator has no associated cost, enter $1.00/kW for the Total Scaling Cost. 

4. Proceed with modeling the rest of your system 

Model the rest of your system. See the generation design user guide for more detailed information.

How to Model a Combined Component

If you have a combined component, but would still like to model your system in HOMER, you will need to model your combined component using the instructions below. An example of a combined component is a combined Solar PV Inverter/Battery Inverter. 

1. Drag the components in your combined component into the Generation Design section 

Drag both of the components that are in your combined component into the lower Generation Design section where you will model your system. 

HOMER modeling requires both a system inverter & charge controller for a DC-Coupled system or both a PV Inverter & a Battery Inverter for an AC-Coupled system.

2. Complete the Details for both components

Complete the details for both of the components that are contained within your combined component. For the following fields, enter the following information: 


If you are modeling with HOMER Optimize enabled for the component, enter your planned capacity for both components that are contained within the combined component.


Include the make of the combined component you are using. After the make, include the text "Combined [Component 1]/[Component 2]". For example, "HUAWEI (Combined Solar PV Inverter/Battery Inverter)"


Include the model of the combined component you are using. After the model, include the text "Combined [Component 1]/[Component 2]". For example, "Model 8371 (Combined Solar PV Inverter/Battery Inverter)"

Total Scaling Cost

Enter the total scaling cost per kW for the combined component in the system inverter or battery inverter component (depending on whether you have an AC-Coupled or a DC-Coupled system). For the Charge Controller or Solar PV Inverter, enter a total scaling cost of $1.00/kW.

3. Proceed with modeling the rest of your system 

Model the rest of your system. See the generation design user guide for more detailed information.

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