The BRILHO program exclusively uses the Odyssey platform. Please read the guide carefully for instructions on how to submit your claims and reports to the Brilho program.
In addition to this participation guide, please consult the full Odyssey user guides and the Odyssey FAQs for solutions to any problems you may have, or contact the Odyssey support team via the blue chat button in the lower right corner of the app.
Select the Finance> Programs tab in the left navigation bar
Click on either the Brilho - ICS or Brilho - SHS in the list of programs, depending on which type of claim you are submitting.
View program documents
Click on the Resources > Documents section (on the top navigation bar)
Consult and download the program documents you would like to review
You will upload claims in Odyssey for program administrators’ review and financial disbursement.
Within your selected Program, navigate to the Claims section.
In the Claims section, you can view and manage existing or past claims at the bottom of the page or select Cookstove or Solar Home System to create a new claim.
NOTE: For new claims, follow the naming convention, "Company - Claim # - Year"
Select Connections from the left panel and click "Download Template" to download the Excel template, fill out the required fields, and upload the completed version.
If you are submitting a “CASH” claim, you can enter a “0” on all PAYGO-specific fields. Similarly, if you do not have agent data to collect on your claim, you can enter “0” for all agent fields.
The following fields will appear on the connections template:
Click “Import/update connections,” which will allow you to select the completed template file to upload.
Make any necessary changes directly in the software by clicking on a connection or by clicking “Download connections” and re-uploading the updated file.
Check for duplicates before submitting connections
The Brilho program requires that connections submitted are unique, based on Product: Serial Number / Unique Identifier. Connections will be considered duplicates if they have the same Product: Serial Number / Unique Identifier.
Click "Check for Duplicates" to run a check for duplicates across all claims that have been submitted to the program. The check may take up to 15 minutes as it searches through existing connection data.
Scroll to the column "Duplicate?" to see if duplicate connections have been identified and click on the claim link to investigate the duplicate further.
If the connection is a duplicate, it will need to be deleted and you will need to rerun "Check for Duplicates."
Check the Submittable column to see whether the required information on each connection has been provided.
If the column says “Yes,” you have provided the required information and can submit your connections.
If there are pink boxes in place of data and the submittable status is “No,” you are either missing required data. Filter by “No” to see which connections need additional information.
If the submittable status column is "No - Duplicate Correction Needed" you will need to delete the connection or update the Product: Serial Number / Unique Identifier in order to submit it. For the submittable status to update, you will need to click "Check for Duplicates" after making any changes to the connection.
Once your connections are ready to submit, you can select them and choose "Submit."
Choose Submit All (Filtered) Connections from the dropdown menu to submit all connections.
To submit individual connections, select the checkbox next to the connections and then select Submit > Selected Connections.
Verify that all connections were submitted in the summary panel at the top of the page.
Here, you can also review the approval statuses for all of your connections. You will be notified via email when a status has been updated by Program Administrators. Below is an explanation of each status:
Not submitted - Connections have been uploaded to your claim, but have not been submitted yet.
Submitted - The Program Administrator has received the connections and is reviewing them.
Approved - The Program Administrator has received the connection and approved the connection.
Rejected - The Program Administrator received the connection and there was a reason the connection was refused. You can rectify the connection (i.e. add missing information) and submit again if appropriate.
NOTE: The Brilho program requires that you only submit a new claim when you have a minimum of 200 connections. You will also only be able to submit 20,000 connections at a time. Click "Import / Update" connections for each new set of connections you intend to upload.
You will also submit reports for financial disbursement in Odyssey.
Within your selected Program, navigate to the Reporting section
Review instructions about uploading reports by clicking Download Template. (Note: This is a different, separate template from the claims template described above.)
You'll see there are already several reports in the Completed Reports section. Your company’s templates are tagged with template. You can download your company’s templates for RBF and catalytic grants here.
When you fill out the required fields for each report, you will upload those files in this section as well. Tag files with either RBF Report or Catalytic Grants Report and follow the naming conventions outlined in the instructions.
You will also submit project-specific documents to program administrators on the Odyssey platform.
Within a selected SHS Claim or ICS Project, navigate to the Application > Attachment tab from the top panel.
Choose "Project Files" from the top of the page and click "Upload Files" to choose specific files from your computer.
NOTE: Project files should be uploaded ahead of submission to the BRILHO SHS or ICS Programs.