NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) Application

NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) Application

The Results Based Financing for Productive Appliances & Equipment aims to increase the productive use of energy in remote communities by increasing access to efficient, electric productive equipment. Submissions outside of the platform will not be accepted. Please read the guide thoroughly for instructions on how to submit an application to the NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) Program. 

In addition to this participation guide, please review the complete Odyssey user guides and FAQs to troubleshoot any issues, or reach out to the Odyssey support team via the support chat box in the bottom right corner of the application.

1. Review program information

If you have registered to participate in the program, you will be able to access the NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) information within Odyssey. To see all program information:

  • Select Finance > Programs

  • Select NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) from the Programs list

2. View program documents

  • Click the Resources tab

  • View and download the program documents

    • Select the documents or folders you would like to download

    • Click the Download button


You must read all program documents thoroughly before submitting your program application to ensure that you understand all the requirements of the program.

3. Complete the program application

  • Select the Application tab

  • Complete the NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) form

  • Click on the tabs to navigate between application sections (i.e. Application Form and Document Checklist)

  • Click the Save button periodically to ensure your work is not lost


Required questions have red asterisks (*), you will not be able to submit your application until all required fields have been completed.

4. Upload application documents 

To upload your files;
  • Go to the Documents Upload section in the application form.

  • Drag and drop your files into the upload area, or click Browse to select files from your device.
  • Ensure you upload all required supporting documents in this section to successfully submit your application.

To upload additional files not listed in the Documents Upload section:
  • Click Application > Attachments at the top of the Application tab. 
  • Upload your additional documents by clicking Upload Files and selecting the files you wish to add.

5. Prepare a Customer and Equipment Roster Claim

As part of the pre-qualification process, you are to create a claim specifically for the Customer and Equipment Roster. This step is critical to ensure your application is reviewed. Follow these steps:
  1. Open the claim creation window.
  2. Fill out all necessary fields for the claim, ensuring that the roster is included and correctly labeled.
  3. Submit the roster as part of the claim.
  1. Click on Finance > Programs.
  2. Select the NEP AfDB PUE program to open it.
  3. Click on Claims from the top navigation bar and create a PUE claim.

Complete the claim information:

  1. Asset Name: You must name the claim using the following format: [Window Name]-Customer and Equipment Roster. For example, if this is the fifth window, name it Fifth Window - Customer and Equipment Roster
Only use the naming structure above; please don’t add anything else.
  1. Notes: Not required, but you may enter claim information here.
  2. Country: Select "Nigeria" from the dropdown menu.
  3. State: Select the city of your headquarters or distribution center (this field is not essential but must be filled out to proceed).
  4. Program: You must select NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) in the Programs field to submit your claims.
Save your claim.

Connections Template

  1. Go to the Connections module.
  2. Download the Template Connections.
  3. Select the Download Template button to download an Excel template. A description of the data you should include in each column is outlined below:



Required/Not Required

Customer Meter Number

This is the ID of the system associated with the connection. This value must be unique for each row. In most cases, this is the serial number of the meter.

Not Required (Input "Not Available" if information is not available)

PUE Serial Number

Unique identifier provided by the manufacturer.


Name of PUE

Name of equipment deployed (e.g., Fridge, Clipper).


PUE Supplier

Name of the supplier providing the equipment.


Retail Cost of Unit Equipment Only (Per Unit)

Retail cost for a single unit of equipment, excluding additional costs.


Transportation Cost Per Equipment

Cost incurred for transporting a single unit of equipment.


Invoice Number

Receipt for equipment.


Equipment Image Link

Upload images of the equipment, including the serial number, to a Google Drive folder and provide the link for each piece of equipment.

Not Required

PUE Group

Category or grouping of the PUE equipment.


Energy Demand (kWh)

The estimated energy consumption of the equipment in kilowatt-hours.


PUE Certification

Certification or compliance status of the equipment, as verified by relevant authorities.


Equipment Specifications

Detailed specifications of the equipment, such as size, weight, and technical features.


Other Details

Any additional notes or comments regarding the equipment or deployment.


Retrofitted Appliances

Indicate if the equipment is retrofitted or modified to suit specific needs.


Customer Name

Full name of the customer receiving the equipment.


Gender of Customer

Specify the gender of the customer (e.g., Male, Female).


Customer Phone Number

Contact number of the customer for follow-up or support.


Customer Location (Address)

Detailed address of the customer where the equipment is deployed.


Type of PUE

Select whether the productive use equipment is "Agro" or "MSME".


Equipment Classification

Select whether the productive use equipment is "Mini-Grid Connected Equipment" or "Standalone Equipment".


PUE Capacity (kW)

The capacity (in kilowatts) of the productive use equipment deployed.


Date of Deployment

The date the equipment was/will be deployed to the end user.


Community Name

Name of the community where the equipment is deployed.


Local Government Area

Name of the local government area where the equipment is deployed.


Location (State)

Name of the state where the equipment is deployed.


Latitude of PUE Deployment Site

The latitude of the connection in decimal degrees.


Longitude of PUE Deployment Site

The longitude of the connection in decimal degrees.


MSME Payment Plan

Enter the type of payment as either "Outright," "Installment," or "Operator Owned Systems."


Downpayment Amount Paid (NGN)

Enter the down payment paid by the end user. Input 0 if the system was bought outright or operator-owned.

Required - (Input "0" if information is not available)

Installment Amount (NGN)

Enter the installment amount agreed upon by the end user. Input 0 if the system was bought outright or operator-owned.

Required - (Input "0" if information is not available)

Outright Payment Paid (NGN)

Enter the full cost of the system paid by the end user. Input 0 if the system was bought on an installment plan or operator-owned.

Required - (Input "0" if information is not available)

Operator Owned Systems Charge

Enter the amount you are charging the end user. Input 0 if the system was bought on an installment plan or outrightly.

Required - (Input "0" if information is not available)

Unit Price of PUE (NGN)

Cost of equipment bought by the company from the supplier.


Training on PUE deployed (Y/N)

Select if you have trained the end-user on how to use the equipment.

Not Required


State any challenges faced.

Not Required


Share recommendations with the program admins.

Not Required

Note: Ensure this claim is submitted to guarantee that your application moves forward in the review process

Submit Your Program Application

Ensure all required fields are completed and all required documents have been uploaded.
  1. All documents marked by a red asterisk (*) are required to submit your NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) application.
    You will not be able to submit your application until all required fields have been completed.
  2. Click the Submit button.

6. Communicate with NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) program administrators

You can communicate with the Program administrators via the Messages section provided under the program. To do this,

  • Select Finance > Programs 

  • Select NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE)

  • Select Messages from the top navigation bar.

7. Check your Submission Status

You will also receive email notifications of any changes to your application status. See a description of each status below.

  • Submitted

Your Qualification application has been received.

  • In Review

Your application is being reviewed by the NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE) program administrators.

  • Incomplete

Your application is incomplete and requires additional information. Your application has been re-opened to allow editing. Once you add the required information, you can re-submit your application for review.

  • Approved

      Your application has been reviewed and accepted. You will receive an email notification with instructions on the next steps to take.
  • Selected

You have signed a grant agreement with REA and can now submit PUE claims to the program

8. Selected companies applying to multiple windows

Instead of filling out a new application form for each additional window, you are only required to provide the following documents:
  1. PUE Equipment and Customer Roster Template: Please download this template from the Documents section.
  2. MoUs & Exclusivity Agreements: Note that an MOU with mini-grid operators is not applicable to standalone solar equipment.
Once you have prepared the necessary documents, please follow these steps to submit your application:
  1. Upload the requested documents in the Application > Attachment section of the program.
  2. Message the program administrators to inform them that you have uploaded the required documents and specify which window you are applying for.

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