8760 File Upload

8760 File Upload

The 8760 upload allows you to upload a load value (kW) for every hour of the year. You can upload an Excel document detailing load profiles for multiple customer types within a given project. The 8760 values can be determined from a generator readout or existing load data from the site. 

8760 Template Download

  1. Select the Add Customer Type button on the Load page to open the Add Customer Type modal 
  2. Select the Upload 8760 tile to use the 8760 load upload
  3. Select the Download 8760 Template button to download the Excel template (or see the bottom of the page)
  4. Complete the Excel template using the correct formatting (see below) and save the file. 
  5. Upload the 8760 template to your Odyssey site load by selecting the Upload 8760 File button within the Add Customer Type modal. Ensure the file is saved as a CSV file with the .csv file extension.
If any of the formatting is incorrect, you will receive an error message. Verify that the formatting matches the 8760 Upload Formatting (below), if you're still having issues send your template to support for additional help.

8760 Upload File Formatting

Each column in the template represents one customer type. Each customer type is representative of a single customer in that type with an associated load profile for every hour in the year. 

Note: When entering the Customer Category and Tier fields, make sure you do not have any spaces before or after the specified options. 
  1. Add the name for each customer type in a new column (in row 1) to the right of Customer Type.
  2. Enter the Customer Category (in row 2) of the Customer Type you specified in Row 1. Enter one of these options: Residential, Commercial, Public, Productive, Anchor, Internal_Load
  3. Enter  Tier, or relative consumption (in row 3). Please enter one of these options: TIER_1, TIER_2, TIER_3, TIER_4, TIER_5, TIER_6, TIER_7, TIER_8, TIER_9, TIER_10
  4. Next to Count (in row 4) add the number of customers in each customer type 
  5. Add the 8760 hourly load power (in kW) used by a single customer in the customer type starting with the Hour 0 load in Row 5. This will be multiplied by the Count to calculate the total load for all of the customers in that customer type.  
Note: If you leave a cell blank it is uploaded as 0 kW in that hour. 

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